Friday, February 8, 2013

How to Make the Cold Look Good

There are a few simple and easy steps to looking fashionable during the cold, snowy winter months.

1.) Invest in a good and cute pair of snow boots.  Some of my personal favorites are the Hunter boots and the LL Bean "duck" boots.  Both pairs of boots are super versatile and could be worn with numerous outfits.

2.) The second way to make the cold look good is by wearing a warm winter jacket that is practical for the weather, yet cute at the same time.  In my opinion, I would stick to neutral colored jacket so you can change up the colors and patterns of your winter boots.  Some of my favorite winter jackets come from The North Face.  They are definitely on the pricier side but they are well worth it!

3.) Accessorize, accessorize, accessorize! Bright colored scarves, gloves, hats and ear warmers can wake up any outfit on gloomy winter days.  With a neutral colored jacket like the one above, literally any pattern and color will match.  So reach for the bright colored winter accessories and bring some color and happiness into the cold winter months!